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Mississippi Gardens


Phone (662) 312-4580
Mobile (662) 312-4580 - Mobile
Address 409 Myrtle St,
Starkville, MS 39759 United States


Mississippi Gardens is a professional landscape company. It focuses primarily on residential projects. Our strength is planting design, installation, and maintenance. Irrigation, brick-on-sand and wood work are things that we do well, too. Currently, the company is small; so the projects that are committed to are small scale. This insures that they can be completed in a timely manner for you. A typical project is a foundation planting along the front of a residence with drip irrigation, a brick-on sand edge and a few shade trees in the turf area of the front of the residence.
At Mississippi Gardens, we strive to be professional, productive and personnal. The common process that is used at our company starts with an initial meeting at the client's residence where we can listen to your needs and wants. From there, we can create a program for development for your project. Then, we take you and your project through a professional design process that results in a design that is right for you (a design where you can say that's exactly what I was looking for!).
From there, an accurate estimate can be calculated and discussed. Once agreed upon, the project usually can begin shortly. With the installation, we focus on efficiency and speed to produce the highest level of productivity. Equipment is used wisely to increase productivity and complete your project in a timely manner. Some words said about our work from clients and their neighbors are Beautiful!, Fabulous! and Awesome!.
After your project is complete, we can help in any way with the maintenance if you desire. One year contracts, single maintenance projects and anything in between can be created to help you keep your garden beautiful.
Mike Montgomery is the owner/operator of Mississippi Gardens. He holds the degrees of Bachelor in Landscape Architecture and Bachelor in Landscape Contracting and Management from Mississippi State University. However, we understand the current economic situation and have many ways to make the costs of your project affordable.
At Mississippi Gardens, we would love to help YOU have a beautiful garden of your very own. And, we know that is entirely possible. Give us a call to set up that initial meeting, and the process can begin. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to meeting you soon! -Mike

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