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Louisiana Ground Control

1 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (225) 755-9016
Address 12232 Industrialplex Blvd. Suite 8,
Baton Rouge, LA 70809 United States


My name is Michael Coates. I am the owner of Louisiana Ground Control. We serve clients throughout Baton Rouge, Highland Rd/LSU, Shenandoah and Garden District, Louisiana. I realize it is easy to say we are better or different. But, daily we work very hard to make sure our clients are thoroughly pleased with our quality and follow-up. If you are tired of lawn service companies that deliver poor quality, never call you back, have lousy communication skills, and are generally unprofessional and unreliable, please consider giving Louisiana Ground Control a try. Try us with no risk and zero commitment. If you are not completely wowed by our unique service, you may walk away without any pressure or hassle.

Reviews for Louisiana Ground Control

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Louisiana Ground Control

    Never hire this company!

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Last June I spoke with Michael Coates about landscaping my yard. He assured me I would get top notch work and be pleased with the results. So I did hire them. They started work on the landscaping plus an irrigation system. The project was almost completed except for the irrigation system timer that needed to be put in place. Some of the plants, which were guaranteed, died. I paid the total bill of $7,330.49 in good faith that Michael Coates was a man of his word. After months of exchanging emails asking for my timer to be delivered and the few dead plants to be replaced I still have not gotten any results. I have written the BBB and my next step is Small Claims Court. Mr. Coates says on his website If you don't love the work, you don't owe us a thing. Don't believe it!!!”

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